Backup (clone) all your own gists

You need to have a personal access token to GitHub. In this script I use my token saved in ~/.github_access_token. Also you need to have the git utility on your system. Install PyGithub package to work with GitHub API pip install PyGithub The gist is actually a git repository. All your gists you can clone as regular repositories into a directory called repos. Script clones gists with names contained the IDs....

March 13, 2022

Docker для python. Первые шаги

Если не вдаваться в технические детали Docker ближе всего к VirtualBox, VMware или другим средствам виртуализации. Технические отличия заключаются в других способах изоляции запускаемой гостевой (guest) операционной системы и разделения ресурсов основной (host) операционной системы. Как правило каждый работающий в Docker экземпляр гостевой операционной системы предназначен для запуска одного единственного приложения. При этом задействуется меньше ресурсов, чем при запуске в виртуальной машине. Для этого создается своя файловая система, свои виртуальные сетевые интерфейсы - как бы контейнер внутри которого приложение работает....

January 4, 2022

Snippet for printing a subclass tree

Sometimes I needed to figure out the class hierarchy. For this, I wrote a small piece of code to visualize the class tree. def format_output(class_name, prefix, is_last): left_simbol = "└" if is_last else "├" return prefix + left_simbol + "───" + class_name def print_subclass_tree(thisclass, prefix=""): for count, subclass in enumerate(thisclass.__subclasses__(), start=1): is_last = count == len(thisclass.__subclasses__()) print(format_output(subclass.__name__, prefix, is_last)) devide_simbol = "" if is_last else "│" print_subclass_tree(subclass, prefix + devide_simbol + "\t") print_subclass_tree(BaseException) # ============ OUTPUT ================== # >>> print_subclass_tree(BaseException) # ├───Exception # │ ├───TypeError # │ ├───StopAsyncIteration # │ ├───StopIteration # │ ├───ImportError # │ │ ├───ModuleNotFoundError # │ │ └───ZipImportError # ....

December 9, 2021

Starting a production Django server

I wrote ansible playbook for starting up a production Django server with PostgreSQL, Gunicorn and Nginx. When I tested the script, I used the Ubuntu Server image from this link. All I needed to install additionally was an ssh server for ansible to work. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install openssh-server I used a VirtualBox image and set the network settings to bridge mode. The IP address was obtained via the dhcp protocol....

October 15, 2021

A dynamic GitHub profile with GitHub Actions

Thanks Yannick Chenot for the article How to Build a Dynamic GitHub Profile with GitHub Actions and PHP! It describes how to set up automatic updating of links to the latest blog posts in the GitHub profile using GitHub Actions. I will not retell the article, and you can read about the profile on GitHub here. Here is my python solution import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = "" main_page = BeautifulSoup(requests....

July 22, 2021

Deploying the django app on the DigitalOcean App Platform

For deploying Django apps, I tried PaaS such as Heroku and Pythonanywhere. It’s the turn of the DigitalOcean App Platform. And so far, this is the easiest and fastest way to deploy a Django app in production. There is awesome guide on how to do this on DigitalOcean’s tutorials. For testing, I wrote a small application that generates a configuration snippet for configuring ssh on cisco devices. For simplicity, I didn’t use a database and static content....

July 21, 2021

Setup a basic workflow using GitHub Actions with Docker

In the continuation of the post “Creating dockerized Django app with VSCode”, I updated the source code to work with GitHub Actions. Setup a basic workflow using GitHub Actions Add to the requirements.txt file the following line to check with linter: flake8>=3.9.2,<3.10 Create a new file at .github/workflows/cd.yml and fill it with the following contents: --- name: Code checks on: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request: branches: [ master ] jobs: test: name: Test runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Test run: docker-compose run --rm ....

June 13, 2021

Creating dockerized Django app with VSCode

Thanks to Mark Winterbottom for the interesting videos and the idea for this post. Creating a Django project Start by creating a new directory for your project (eg: vscode-django-docker), and open it in VSCode. mkdir vscode-django-docker cd vscode-django-docker git init code . Then, add a .gitignore for your project. You can use template for Python provided by GitHub or generate on Now let’s create a Django project by running the one-line-command below...

June 12, 2021

Creating an html template with PyCharm

A cool feature of PyCharm is the fast creating an html template. Create a new file, type html:5, press Tab. That’s all.

April 9, 2021

Django project deployed on Heroku

About a year ago, I published a web-based task management application written with Flask. It looked like this: Since a year has passed, I decided to rewrite this project in Django, and also try to deploy it to PaaS Heroku. I’ve also made some improvements, including design, authorization, database management, and web security issues. That’s what happened: Links: Try it in live on Heroku GitHub repository

March 25, 2021